Truth of Sufism


Truth of Sufism

The general impression about Sufis in the Indian sub-continent revolves around spiritual, mystic or religious thoughts and practices. This is probably because their relevance and influence in politics of yesteryears is seldom mentioned, let alone highlighted, in modern historical narratives.

Actually, Islam lacks philosophy and spirituality. There was nothing but violence that is at the core of their religion. So called Sufis found that Bhakti marg attracts Bhole-Bhale hindus because of absence of rituals. They sniffing the opportunity developed a strategy. Sufism is nothing but a hodge podge of appropriated concepts from Vedanta, Buddhism & Kashmiri Shaivism (Tantra) & practises from Yoga that were Islamized with familiar Persian & Arabic terms & conventions to normalize the foreignness of these concepts. Those discerning have always known Sufism as deceit and subterfuge to lull Hindus into inaction before strong arm of Izlam was was invented for the purpose!

Sita Ram Goel on Sufism

Sita Ram Goel had warned in 1985 that this fatal love of Hindus for Sufis will be their ruin. It is Hindus who have kept the Sufi tradition alive in India by visiting and donating to Ajmer as well as most other dargahs. It is a tradition which has always wanted to convert them.

The obsession of Hindus with Ajmer, Chishtiya Silsila and Sufis in general is very unhealthy. Some professors (from JNU & other universities) have built their career by whitewashing the history of Sufis in India & continue to do so. He has also warned about the absurdity of Hindu professors and academicians sitting in India’s top universities and singing paeans about Ajmer and other Sufi orders in India. They are doing a great disservice by confusing Hindus about the real nature of Sufism.


Sita Ram Goel says in ‘Muslim Separatism’: “Many Hindus have been misled, mostly by their own ‘soft-headed scholars’ to cherish the fond belief that the Sufis were spiritual seekers, and that unlike the Mullahs, they loved Hindu religious lore and liked their Hindu neighbors.” 

“The Chishtiyya Sufis in particular have been chosen for such fulsome praise.” SRG says. We can see this deplorable trend even now when professors from JNU keep whitewashing the fanatic and barbaric record of the Sufi orders, particularly the Chishtiya order. These Sufi orders were fanatic since the beginning. An Islamic scholar Aziz Ahmad says: “In Indian sufism anti-Hindu polemics began with Muin al-din Chishti. Early Sufis in the Punjab and early Chishtis devoted themselves to the task of conversion on a large scale.”

 Nizamuddin Auliya is championed as a great spiritual figure. He actually thought that Hindus could not get Allah’s grace and could not be easily converted until they were in the company of some Muslim fakirs and saints for a long time and only then conversion would follow. This is very crucial. Sufism is a front to convert Hindus who are given to reverence for anything which sounds remotely spiritual. It is their strength, but also their weakness. The early attacks of Islam in India established that defeating and converting Hindus is not easy. 

Thus Islamic scholars came up with a plan. They started imitating and mimicking Hindu sadhus. Muslim fakirs and Sufis started imitating the guru parampara of Hindus and copied Vedantic philosophy, imitating it in songs and popular literature. 

But the core of Islamic fundamentalism was never changed. Sufism was a cover for military Islam. This can be traced to their ideology/practice. They existed to fool Hindus about a spiritual core in Islam, to convert them.

'Sufis of Bijapur' tells this story. Amir Khusrau & Ziauddin Barani were disciples of Auliya but were deeply fanatic. “Both of them express a great hatred for Hindus, and regret that the Hanafi school of Islamic Law had come in the way of wiping out completely the curse of infidelism  from the face Hindustan.”


Chishtiya order in Ajmer is not the only Sufi order which was Islamic fundamentalist in nature. Ahmad Sirhindi (1564-1624) was another Sufi who had great influence on India. He wrote many letters to powerful courtiers in the reign of Akbar and Jehangir.  In letter No. 163 he wrote:  “The honour of Islam lies in insulting kufr and kafirs. One who respects the kafirs dishonors the Muslims.” It is brought to us by Islamic scholar S A A Rizvi.


Similarly Sirhindi writes the real reason of implementing Jizyah on Hindu: “The real purpose of levying jiziya on them is to humiliate them to such an extent that they may not be able to dress well and to live in grandeur. They should constantly remain terrified. It is intended to hold them under contempt & to uphold the honour and might of Islam.” It was Sufi Ahmad Sirhindi who reinvigorated the fundamentalist Islam in India after it had been softened by Akbar during his rule.  Abul Kalam Azad wrote that it was Sirhindi who wrote letters to all Muslim nobles in India to keep following orthodox Islam. Sirhindi taught them not to believe the soft agenda of Akbar. He instructed that to hate Hindus, to sacrifice cows, is the noble duty of a true Muslim. Without this new life given to fundamentalist Islam in India, Aurangzeb wouldn’t have found curry with Muslim nobles.


Sufis in India have always been the covert soldiers of fundamentalist Islam. ALL Sufi orders trace their spiritual lineage to the Prophet. Just like the Shariat, the Islamic law, the source of all Sufism is once again the deeds and words of the Prophet. This proves that all the claim of Sufi being the ‘spiritual’ sect of Islam is completely wrong. They have learned to imitate Vedanta in lofty poetry. But the loftiness never goes to any higher place because any higher philosophy is blasphemy for orthodox Islam.


The point here is: all the four Sufi Silsilas (Chishtiya, Suhrawardy, Qadiri, Naqsbandi) have an agenda against non-Muslims, similar to any Islamic invader. They consider Hindu way of life and worship as Kufr and want to convert all Hindus to Islam.


The Sufis have managed to attain some small siddhis and that is how they are able to fool and attract Hindu devotees, but that’s the story for another thread. For now beware of ‘soft-headed professors’ whitewashing the seamier side of Sufi history.

Shah Waliullah’s letters

Eighteenth-century Sufi preacher Shah Waliullah’s letters to Islamic rulers and nobles show that he was very keen on rejuvenating Islamic supremacy in Delhi, which had started to loosen it’s grip over the sub-continent after Aurangzeb’s death. Shah Waliullah Dehlavi (1703-1762) was one such well-respected Sufi preacher of the eighteenth century. He belonged to the Naqshbandi school of the Sunni sect. Mughal rulers and Ahmadshah Abdali also belonged to the Sunni sect and therefore, were seen as ‘protectors of the Islamic faith’ by these Sufi chieftains.


 Sufi Masters Came To India Along With The Invading Muslim Armies:

1.   Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti of Ajmer had accompanied the army of Shihabuddin Ghori and finally settled down at Ajmer in the year 1233 A.D.

2.   Khawaja Qutubuddin came to Delhi in the year 1236 in the train of Shihabuddin Ghori and stayed on to further the cause of Islam.

3.   Sheikh Faridudin came to Pattan (now in Pakistan) in the year 1265.

4.   Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya of Dargah Hazrat Nizamuddin came to Delhi in the year 1335 accompanying a contingent of the Muslim Invaders.


 Moinuddin Chishti Slaughters A Cow

As elaborated by S.S.A. Rizvi in ‘A History of Sufism in India, Vol. 1 (Munshiram Manoharlal, 1978, p. 117), there is a reference in the book, Jawahar-i- Faridi, to the fact that when Moinuddin Chishti reached near the Annasagar Lake at Ajmer where a number of holy shrines of Hindus were located, he slaughtered a cow and cooked a beef kebab at the sacred place surrounded by many temples.


 Sikh Guru Arjun Dev’s Execution By  Jehangir Declared Islamic victory

Another important objective of the spiritual and mystic preaching of the Sufi masters was to blunt the edge of Hindu resistance and prevent them from taking up arms to defend their hearth and home, their motherland and their faith. The Sufis did this by using the façade of peace and religious harmony. The Naqashbandi Sufis had very close relations with Jahangir and Aurangzeb. The well known Sufi Saint of Punjab, Ahmad Sirhindi (Mujadid) of the Naqashbandi order (1564-1634) held that the execution of the Sikh leader Guru Arjun Dev by Jehangir was a great Islamic victory. He believed and openly proclaimed that Islam and Hinduism were antithesis of each other and therefore could not co-exist. Even the Chishti Sufi, Miyan Mir, who had been a friend of Guru Arjun Dev, later on turned his back on the Sikh Guru when the latter was arrested by Jahangir and sent for execution.

@PankajSaxena84 (reference)

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