The Principle Of Al-Takiyah In Islam

We should know about an important principle of Islam called as “Al-Takeyya”.
There are many non-Muslims who are fooled into believing (by the Muslims) that Muhammad and Islam talk highly of them. They also proclaim to the non-Muslim world that Islam wants to have cordial relations with them. These are all lies. Islam allows Muslims to lie for religion. It is a binding principle of Islam and is called “Al-Takeyyah” (Al-Takiyah). Muslims use this principle to lie to the infidel unbelievers and tell that Islam is a religion of peace. Let me explain it fully.
Like most religions, Islam in general, forbids lying. The Quran says, "Truly Allah guides not one who transgresses and lies." (Quran 40:28). However, unlike other religions, within Islam there are certain provisions under which lying is not simply tolerated, but actually encouraged by Allah.
This point is proven by many incidences in the life of Muhammad. He often lied and instructed his followers to do the same. He rationalized that the prospect of success in missions to extend Islam's influence overrode Allah's initial prohibitions against lying.
A good example of sanctioned lying is the account of the assassination of Kaab Ibn al-Ashraf, a member of the Jewish tribe, Banu al-Nadir. It had been reported that Kaab had shown support for the Quraishites in their battle against Muhammad. This was compounded by another report that infuriated Muhammad. It was alleged that Kaab had recited amorous poetry to Muslim women. Muhammad asked for volunteers to rid him of Kaab Ibn al-Ashraf. As Muhammad put it, Kaab had "Harmed Allah and His Apostle." At that time Kaab Ibn al-Ashraf and his tribe were strong, so it was not easy for a stranger to infiltrate and execute the task. A Muslim man by the name of Ibn Muslima volunteered for the murderous project on the condition that  Muhammad would allow him to lie. With Muhammad's consent, Ibn Muslima, went to Kaab and told him fabricated stories that reflected discontent about Muhammad's leadership. When he had gained Kaab's trust he lured him away from his house one night and murdered him in a remote area under the cover of darkness. This incident is given in Sahih Bukhari V4B52N270 (Vol 4 Book 52 Number 270) and also in the Sira (Ishaq:368) and Tabari VII:97.
A similar example can be found in the story of killing Shaaban Ibn Khalid alHazly. It was rumored that Shaaban was gathering an army to wage war on Muhammad. Muhammad retaliated by ordering Abdullah Ibn Anis to kill Shaaban. Again, the would-be killer asked the prophet's permission to lie. Muhammad agreed and then ordered the killer to lie by stating that he was a member of the Khazaa clan. When Shaaban saw Abdullah coming, he asked him, "From what tribe are you?" Abdullah answered, "From Khazaa." He then added, "I have heard that you are gathering an army to fight Muhammad and I came to join you." Abdullah started walking with Shaaban telling him how Muhammad came to them with the heretical teachings of Islam, and complained how Muhammad badmouthed the Arab patriarchs and ruined the Arab's hopes. They continued in conversation until they arrived at Shaaban's tent. Shaaban's companions departed and Shaaban invited Abdullah to come inside and rest. Abdullah sat there until the atmosphere was quiet and he sensed that everyone was asleep. Abdullah severed Shaaban's head and carried it to Muhammad as a trophy. When Muhammad sighted Abdullah, he jubilantly shouted, "Your face has been triumphant." Abdullah returned the greeting by saying, "It is your face, Apostle of Allah, who has been triumphant".
These pages from the Sunnah and similar passages from the Quran clearly reveal that Muslims' unintentional lies are forgivable and that even their intentional lies can be absolved by performing extra duties. It is also clear that if forced to do so, Muslims can lie while under oath and can even falsely deny faith in Allah, as long as they maintain the profession of faith in their hearts.
The Arabic word, "Takeyya", means "to prevent," or guard against. The principle of Al Takeyya conveys the understanding that Muslims are permitted to lie as a preventive measure against anticipated harm to one's self or fellow Muslims. This principle gives Muslims the liberty to lie under circumstances that they perceive as life or religion threatening. Muslims are permitted to utter any lie as long as the lie is uttered for the religion of Islam. They can even deny the faith, if they do not mean it in their hearts.
Muslims will tell you that Al-Taqiyah is used only in self defence. But this is not true. Its main aim is to fool unbelievers into accepting Muslims and proving that Islam is a great religion. That is how Islam has survived 1400 years.
Al-Takeyya is based on the following Quranic verse: "Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah: except by way of precaution (prevention), that ye may Guard yourselves from them (prevent them from harming you.) But Allah cautions you (To remember) Himself; for the final goal is to Allah." (Quran 3: 28 )
According to this verse a Muslim can pretend to befriend infidels (in violation of the teachings of Islam) and display adherence with their unbelief to prevent them from harming him.
Under the concept of Takeyya, it is legitimate for Muslims to act contrary to their faith. The following actions are acceptable:
  • Drink wine, abandon prayers, and skip fasting during Ramadan.
  • Renounce belief in Allah.
  • Kneel in homage to a deity other than Allah.
  • Utter insincere oaths.

The Implications of the principle of Al-Takeyya

Unfortunately, when dealing with Muslims, one must keep in mind that Muslims can communicate something with apparent sincerity, when in reality they may have just the opposite agenda in their hearts. Bluntly stated, Islam permits Muslims to lie anytime that they perceive that their own well-being, or that of Islam, is threatened.
In the sphere of international politics, the question is: Can Muslim countries be trusted to keep their end of the agreements that they sign with non-Muslim nations? It is a known Islamic practice, that when Muslims are weak they will agree to anything. Once they become strong, then they negate what they formerly vowed. This principle was first formulated by none other than Muhammad. Here are the relevant words -
"The Prophet said, 'If I take an oath and later find something else better than that, then I do what is better and expiate my oath.'" (Bukhari: V7B67N427)
Muhammad was a pioneer at breaking his oaths. When he was weak, he accepted anything. When he became stronger than the enemy, he attacked them without notice not caring for the peace agreements signed with them.
The principle of sanctioning lying for the cause of Islam bears grave implications in matters relating to the spread of the religion of Islam in the West. Muslim activists employ deceptive tactics in their attempts to polish Islam's image and make it more attractive to prospective converts. They carefully try to avoid, obscure, and omit mentioning any of the negative Islamic texts and teachings. They project Muhammad as the savior of mankind carefully avoiding his perverted ways and sadistic nature.
 An example of Islamic deception is that Muslim activists always quote the passages of the Quran from the early part of Muhammad's ministry when he was living in Mecca. These texts are peaceful and exemplify tolerance towards those that are not followers of Islam. All the while, they are fully aware that most of these passages were abrogated (cancelled and replaced) by passages that came after he migrated to Medina. The replacement verses reflect prejudice, intolerance, and endorse violence upon unbelievers.
The principle of “Al-Taqiyah” has come in handy for Muslims in four primary areas - in marrying non-Muslims girls using deception, in harassing and murdering infidels in Islamic countries, in proclaiming that Islam is a religion of Peace and in killing apostates. Let me explain each of the points in detail.

1.  The principle of “Al-Taqiyah” is used by Muslim Man to lure non-Muslims girls to marry them. Muslims are permitted to lie when they are searching for a non-Muslim wife. Many Muslims will proclaim that they are not interested in religion. They will do deeds which show this belief in action. But after the girl marries them then they start showing their true colors. Take for instance what is happening in a country like Pakistan. Many Muslims will proclaim themselves as having become apostates (left Islam). They will start attending churches. The idea is to take advantage of the more liberal Christian girls and enjoy them to the fullest without getting married to them.

Some even go to the extent of marrying Christian girls and then they revert back to Islam within a few months. Since in Asian countries woman usually are heavily dependent on their husbands financially and society looks down on girls who have been left by their husbands, the girl is usually forced to convert to Islam. The big Islamic idea is to enjoy the girls sexually without actually getting married to them or convert them to Islam.
A similar line is being followed by Indian Muslims. In India for instance Muslims have used “Al-Taqiyah” to marry Hindu girls and convert them to Islam by the thousands. They hook innocent girls by pretending to be nonreligious and/or promising them freedom of religion after marriage; only to go against their word later on. Now you know why so many of our Indian Muslim film stars/cricketers are marrying Hindu girls. It is the principle of “Al-Taqiyah” in action.

2.  The principle of “Al-Taqiyah” has come handy in handy for Muslims to lie and convict people for blaspheming the prophet of Islam. There is an existing law in Pakistan used to humble the minorities called the TOHEEN-E- RASUL ACT (Contempt of Prophet's Act), which prescribes death to anyone for insulting the Prophet Muhammad. That the “anyone” has always been Christians or Hindus in Pakistan is not surprising, after all the act was instigated to target the minorities and bring them into the fold of Islam using harassment, torture, rape and murder. Make a search on Google and see how many cases of such death sentences are reported from Pakistan. Be sure that at least ten times this number are never reported. Hundreds of Christians have been put to death in the last few years using this act. If a Muslim wants to confiscate a Christian’s/Hindu’s land or house, rape his wife or have his daughter then what does he do? He gets him out of the way using “Al-Taqiyah” by proclaiming that he has insulted the prophet. Just one lie is enough to get the infidel unbeliever arrested and put to death. There is no justice for minorities in Islamic countries. A non-Muslims word does not hold up against a Muslims in an Islamic country. Remember that according to God’s final prophet Muhammad, this lie is not counted by the Islamic God Allah. The situation is so bad that some time back a leading Pakistani Roman Catholic bishop, John Joseph, shot and killed himself to protest a death sentence given to an innocent Christian accused of blaspheming against Muhammad.
Every year hundreds of innocent Christians/Hindus are put to death underthe charge of blaspheming the prophet. This is the true face of the demonic cult of Muhammad called Islam. Islam is about death to the unbelievers not life. It is either conversion to Islam or death. Such cases are occurring not only in Pakistan, but in all countries where Islam is the dominant religion. In Islamic countries like Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sudan etc it is very common for Muslim youths to kidnap Christian and Hindu girls in common sight, gang rape them and then spread the story that they have converted to Islam. The girls are never heard of again. Lodging a police complaint is useless. It will only invite more harassment from the police and top officials. Truly the plight of minorities in Islamic countries is worse then the plight of swine’s and mongrels. The greatness of a religion is seen by the plight of woman and minorities in areas where that religion dominates. And in both these areas of consideration the Mohammedan cult of Islam is the worst offender. Later on we will see how Islam is also the abuser of woman.

3.  The third place where “Al-Taqiyah” comes in handy for Muslims is in murdering hundreds of ”Apostates” every year. Apostates are Muslims who have realized the Truth about Muhammad and left Islam. Usually these Muslims will run away from home. So their family will publish big advertisements proclaiming “All is Forgiven” and asking their child to come back. They even promise freedom of religion to the Child. If the Child does come back, then it is hell for him (Females rarely get the chance to leave Islam) unless he reverts back to Islam. History is witness to the fact that every year hundreds of Apostates are conned, tortured and murdered by Muslims all using the deception of “Al Taqiyah” and honor killings as per the rule laid down by Muhammad the prophet whom Muslims claim “never hurt a fly”.
"The Prophet said, 'If a Muslim discards his religion, kill him.'" (Bukhari:V4B52N2600)

4.  Lastly “Al-Taqiyah” is used by Muslims to proclaim Islam as a peaceful religion. Muslims are ready to utter any lie to fool the infidels (non-Muslims) into believing that Islam is a religion of peace. The idea is for the infidels to relax and accept the Muslims. Once the infidels accept the Muslims as one of their own, that is when the Muslims will start acting and showing their true colors.

In conclusion

it is imperative to understand, that Muslims can use deception to fool people. It is also important to know that what Muslim activists say to spread Islam may not always be the whole truth. When dealing with Muslims what they say is not the issue. The real issue is what they actually mean in their hearts.

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