Kafirs Are Your Open Enemies! - So Says The Book


 Do you believe that the Holy Book Qur'an says "Majhab nahi sikhata aapas me bhair karna" then read the translation of following verses. Your thoughts may turn by the head.  These are the verses of the Qur'an.  

 Sura verse 2:98 - Allah is the enemy of non-Muslims!

 Sura Ayat 3:85 - No other religion/religion is accepted other than Islam!

 Sura verse 8:12 - Allah will instill fear in the hearts of those who disbelieve Islam, and Muslims, you cut their limbs by hitting their necks!

 Sura verse 3:118- Make only Muslims your intimate friend!

 Sura verse 3:28 and 9:23- Do not make friends with non-Muslims!

 Sura verse 8:39 - fight non-Muslims until the faith of Allah is fully established!

 Sura verse 22:30- Idols are filth!

 Sura verse 9:5 - Ambush and kill the idolaters wherever and whenever you can!

 Sura verse 33:61- Wherever the faithful and idolaters are caught, they will be brutally killed!

 *Surah verse 3:62,2:255,27:61 and 35:3 - * There is no other god than Allah!

 Sura verse 21:98 - Those who worship anyone other than Allah are the fuel of Hell!

 * Sura verse 9:28 -* idolaters are impure (unholy)!

 Sura verse 4:101 - Kafirs are your open enemies!

 Sura verse 9:123 - oppress the infidels!

 * Sura verse 9:29 - * By humiliating the infidels, make jizya from them!

 * Sura verse 66:9 - * Do jihad (war) with the infidels and the beneficiaries!

 Sura verse 4:56 - Will cook the skin of the disbeliever!

 Sura verse 8:69 - All spoils (including women) are Halal!

 Sura verse 9:14 - Allah will punish the disbelievers at the hands of the believers!

 Sura verse 8:57 - be cruel to the prisoners of war!

 Sura Ayat 32:22- Take revenge on those who leave Islam!


"The Quran is the root of terrorism."  These words are not mine but, those of a learned woman of Muslim society Taslima Nasreen.

If one finds these verses to be fake, download the Quran and check them.  Don't be an ignorant / blind secularists.   

Verses of the book quoted

Maulvi says no Hindus and temples will survive 

The book says become a terrorist

As Told by Maulana temselves- we do not say any thing.

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