Rajrajeshwar Temple Kotalpur, Hooghly

Rajrajeshwar Temple Kotalpur, Hooghly

Kotalpur is a village and a gram panchayat in the Jangipara CD block in the Srirampore subdivision of Hooghly district.

It has the famous  Rajrajeshwar Temple. Historian Narendranath Bhattacharya puts the year of construction in 1694 in his book “Hooghly Jela r Purakirti”. The temple has long been abandoned.

The central panel of the triple arched entrance contains terracotta panels depicting the scenes of the Ramayana War, with Ram & Lakshman fighting against the ten – headed Ravana and an oversized Kumbhakarna. The base panels contain elaborate images of Krishnalila, royal processions and ships & boats.

Rajrajeshwar Temple Hooghly

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